Feature collections

Focus on the big picture
Feature Prioritization Collections


Familiar Interface

Looks and functions like email making it easy to get started - folders, new vs read, sorting, and layout preferences.


Focus On The Big Picture

Leverage collections to tie information to key themes, product goals, focus areas. Automatically organize relevant content from across sources and types.

Smart Filters

You Set the Rules

Setup advanced filters to automatically analyze and route content to collections. Choose from a wide variety of criteria – source, keyword, entities.
Smart Filters


Who Also Matters

Leverage Entities to keep track of what major clients and influencers are saying.

Snippets & Pins

Capture & Save The Interesting Bits

Easily create snippets to highlight key observations within content. Pin important content for ease of future reference.
Snippets & Pins


Filter The Noise

Like your email client, Sculpt is continually analyzing incoming content. It saves you time by routing unimportant noise to a separate folder.