Feature Repository

Turn fragmented landscape into searchable repository
All your feature prioritization sources in 1 repository

One Location

No More Wasting Time

Quickly locate information across multiple systems and formats. Centralize content in a contextual, secure repository with unlimited storage.
One Location


Support For All Types Of Media

Chat, email, web, office tools, video, images, survey data - all analyzed, stored, and saved in original format.


Connect Your Favorite Tools

Leverage prebuilt integrations and open APIs. Automate across a range of systems – support, feedback, interviews, CRM, collaboration, competitor and market research, review sites – to name a few.

Ad Hoc & Clipper

Something Interesting You Don’t Want To Lose Track Of?

Drag and drop ad hoc content from your desktop or the cloud. Clip web pages, articles, or PDFs and save them for analysis, and subsequent retrieval.
Ad Hoc & Clipper


Reduce Hours Of Work To Minutes

Built-in transcription service helps you efficiently unlock the value of qualitative interviews. Upload and convert audio and video recordings into editable and analyzable content.


Find Anything, Fast.

Find exactly what you are looking for. Search for keywords buried within different media, such as, PDFs, interview transcripts and Slack channels.